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Shoe Box Appeal - Operation Christmas Child

Ben Nelson-Smith

Dear Families,

Each year, we support 'Operation Christmas Child' which brings joy and hope for many children around the world through a shoe box appeal (a shoe box with gifts and essentials packed in it). For some, it may provide the only gifts that some children will receive this Christmas.

We appreciate that financial times are challenging at the moment so are asking families to participate if they are able to. Not only will it bring joy to a child around the world, it is a valuable talking point to our children about compassion and appreciation for what we have.

Please see options below of how you can support:

Option 1 - Complete a shoe box appeal

Find a shoe box and fill it with gift ideas appropriate for a specific age. Attached to this email is a leaflet explaining the type of things that you can and can not pack. Once complete, drop it into school where it can be collected.

Option 2 - Contribute towards a shoe box

The school will make up some shoe boxes with the donations of individual items from families. Again, the leaflet attached provides examples of things that can go in a shoebox. Please drop any gifts/items into the box at the front of the school or to the school office. Please could shoe boxes and donations be handed in by 9am on Monday 14th November. This gives time for them to be delivered around the world. Thanks in advance for your support.



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