Physical Education at Collaton St Mary not only promotes the importance of regular physical activity, but also emphasises how a balanced, nutritious diet is vital to the children’s development. PE lessons are fun, engaging and informative and are carefully planned and delivered to ensure a progression of skills from Reception all the way through to Year 6.
Children at Collaton St Mary benefit from attending various sports festivals, competing against other schools from across Torbay. Such festivals give children the opportunity to attempt new sports which they may not have previously encountered, by promoting inclusion and participation over finishing first. Sporting opportunities are also available to children outside of school hours at Collaton St Mary Primary.
A considerable emphasis is also placed on swimming at Collaton St Mary, with each KS2 class spending half a term having weekly swimming sessions at a Brixham swimming pool. This culminates in the swimming gala in the summer term, with a range of children being given the chance to represent the school in this gala.
Our school invested in joining a cluster of schools in partnership with Paignton Community and Sports Academy (PCSA). This partnership has provided children the opportunity to take part in half-termly sporting festivals, as well as a specialist PE teacher from PCSA delivering weekly sessions to the children. These sessions have been observed by our teachers to improve their own subject knowledge. The partnership also provide resources, meeting opportunities and relevant courses which are available to all of our teachers. The cluster of varying local schools has also given the school the chance to organise additional sporting opportunities for our children.
The importance of a healthy lifestyle in sport is supported by our ‘Food for Life’ gold award. This encourages a healthy lifestyle as well a balanced, nutritious diet throughout the school. This not only includes sourcing organic ingredients, but also giving children an education in growing and preparing food which is full of energy and goodness. The importance of sport alongside this healthy lifestyle is constantly reinforced across all subject areas.
All of our PE provision throughout the year culminates in our summer term sports day. Our sports day gives all children the chance to showcase their athletic and sporting ability, with an emphasis on enjoyment and inclusion. Competitive events are also an important part of the day, with the children taking part in sprints, relays and long jumps to earn points for their teams. Sports day is an excellent opportunity for the whole school to celebrate our year of sporting achievement with friends and family of Collaton St Mary.